This is really not convenient in cases where remote objects come from different dev teams or third party librairies. I would expect BlaseDS to discover at runtime its remoting configuration.
So I wrote a simple BlaseDS service that discover any "META-INF/remoting-confg.xml" file in the classpath and register any declared remote object with the remoting service. I basically created a new Flex service that inherits from ''.
The simplified procedure is :
- look up remoting service from broker.
- list any existing 'META-INF/remoting-config.xml' file.
- parse config files and create destinations (using '').
- register created destination with flex remoting service (using '').
You can download implementation.
1 commentaire:
Bonjour Jérôme,
J'ai besoin de ton aide pour ton script "export MySQL to XML" qui fonctionne bien, mais où j'aimerai inscrire les résultat directement dans un fichier xml.
Merci de me contacter :
Salutations cordiales
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